
Best Cheap Self Lock Yellow 3 Meters Measuring Flexible Tape Ruler On Sale

you looking for cheaper Self Lock Yellow 3 Meters Measuring Flexible Tape Ruler?

before decision to buy, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a online shop that sells Self Lock Yellow 3 Meters Measuring Flexible Tape Ruler and compare prices to. Some online stores offers me fast shipping.

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Self Lock Yellow 3 Meters Measuring Flexible Tape Ruler Features

  • Yellow Black 19mm Wide 3 Meters Measure Meter Inch Tape Ruler.
  • 3 Meters Tape Ruler which measure inch and meter, can be retractable easily.
  • Size: ~3.25" Lx 2.8" Wx 1.4" T; Weight:104g.
  • With a wristband can be hold in your wrist.
  • Package Content: 1 x Yellow Measuring Ruler

Self Lock Yellow 3 Meters Measuring Flexible Tape Ruler Overview

Meter Inch Measure Rule special design, can be fixed when by button when measure is ok.Self Lock Tape Ruler with one button, stop the automatic draw back ruler draw back too fast.3 Meters Tape Ruler scale is clear enough for far way look. flexible material is durable for building and other big items.

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