
Best Buy Flexible Radiopaque Extremity Ruler - 115cm L x 1/8" Thick Online

Flexible Radiopaque Extremity Ruler - 115cm L x 1/8

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before decision to buy, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a shop that sells Flexible Radiopaque Extremity Ruler - 115cm L x 1/8" Thick and compare prices to. Some stores offers me fast shipping.

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Flexible Radiopaque Extremity Ruler - 115cm L x 1/8
Plastic Flexible style Radiopaque extremity rulers are manufactured from a high performance, chemical-resistant plastic which can be sterilized using ethylene oxide or alcoholUnlike acrylic rulers, this ruler is very flexible and virtually unbreakableThe scales are used whenever direct measurements on a radiograph are required1 cm and 0.5 cm gradations are engraved at least 0.030" deep and are filled with a special, flexible radiopaque ink to give distinct and permanent readings on the radiographEach ruler is 2" in widthAvailable in two thicknesses and two lengths

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