
Buy Stanley 33-725 25-Foot FatMax Tape Measure Online

you looking for cheap Stanley 33-725 25-Foot FatMax Tape Measure?

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Stanley 33-725 25-Foot FatMax Tape Measure Specification

  • Tape rule with first 6 feet reinforced with BladeArmor coating for maximum durability
  • 11 foot tape standout; 16-inch and 19.2-inch stud center markings simplify framing jobs
  • Mylar polyester film extends the life of the entire blade
  • Heat-treated spring provides long life and smooth blade recoil
  • Stanley limited lifetime warranty; measures 1-1/4-inch-by-25-feet

Stanley 33-725 25-Foot FatMax Tape Measure Overview

FAT MAX TAPE RULE *1-1/4" wide *11' standout *Contractor grade *"Mylar" coated blade *Plastic case with rubber non-slip grip *Belt hook *Clamshell *25' Long

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